Universal Actuator UA

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Universal Actuator UA ™


Universal Actuator UA ™

Key Features:

  • Rated thrust up to 500 lbf
  • Velocity up to 50 in/sec 
  • Designed with T-slot bracketing for quick mounting
  • Sealed from contamination (IP54)
  • Adjustable limit switches available
  • Piston with internal anti-rotation

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Extreme Thrust Capability in Eliminator HD Platform

The Eliminator SD super duty linear actuator provides extreme thrust capacity for your high thrust industrial applications. Achieve the perfect high precision/high load capacity solution when you combine your servomotor with this heavy-duty steel actuator.


Models Rated Thrust Max. Velocity1 Max. Stroke2 Frame Size Screw Lead Max. Screw Speed1 Max. Torque At Screw Dynamic Capacity Per Million Revs Dynamic Capacity Per Million Inches Max. Motor Or Gearhead Frame Supported2 Inertia 1:1 Zero Stroke3 Inertia 1:1 Per Inch Of Stroke3 Inertia 2:1 Zero Stroke3 Inertia 2:1 Per Inch Of Stroke3 Inertia Inline Zero Stroke3 Inertia Inline Per Inch Of Stroke3 Weight U Mount Zero Stroke4 Weight L Mount Zero Stroke4 Weight Per Inch Of Stroke4
Units lbf in/s in in in RPM in-lbf lbf lbf in lb-in² lb-in² lb-in² lb-in² lb-in² lb-in² lb lb lb
SD930 30,000 12.0 48 9.00 1.000  720 5,305 68,450 68,450 12.00 1,016.05 4.6912 189.31 1.1728 208.35 4.6912 589 608 12.07
SD948 48,000 12.0 48 9.00 1.000  720 8,488 76,390 76,390 12.00 1,097.17 4.6912 216.01 1.1728 208.35 4.6912 595 614 12.07
SD966 66,000 12.0 48 9.00 1.000  720 11,671 84,900 84,900 12.00 1,282.69 4.6912 278.87 1.1728 332.04 4.6912 609 628 12.07
SD999 100,000 12.0 48 9.00 1.000  720 17,684 84,900 84,900 12.00 1,561.55 4.8072 331.27 1.2018 CALL CALL 0 CALL 0.00


Models Rated Thrust Max. Velocity1 Max. Stroke2 Frame Size Screw Lead Max. Screw Speed1 Max. Torque At Screw Dynamic Capacity Per Million Revs Dynamic Capacity Per Million Inches Max. Motor Or Gearhead Frame Supported2 Inertia 1:1 Zero Stroke3 Inertia 1:1 Per Inch Of Stroke3 Inertia 2:1 Zero Stroke3 Inertia 2:1 Per Inch Of Stroke3 Inertia Inline Zero Stroke3 Inertia Inline Per Inch Of Stroke3 Weight "U" Mount Zero Stroke4 Weight "L" Mount Zero Stroke4 Weight Per Inch Of Stroke4
Units kN mm/s mm mm in RPM Nm kN kN mm kg-m² (10⁻⁶) kg-m² (10⁻⁶) kg-m² (10⁻⁶) kg-m² (10⁻⁶) kg-m² (10⁻⁶) kg-m² (10⁻⁶) kg kg kg
SD930 133.45 305 1,219 228.6 1.000  720 599.4 304.48 304.48 305 297,338.42 1,372.8256 55,398.45 343.2064 60,971.44 1,372.8256 267 276 5.48
SD948 213.51 305 1,219 228.6 1.000  720 959.0 339.80 339.80 305 321,075.48 1,372.8256 63,212.97 343.2064 60,971.44 1,372.8256 270 278 5.48
SD966 293.58 305 1,219 228.6 1.000  720 1,318.7 377.65 377.65 305 375,368.26 1,372.8256 81,607.42 343.2064 97,168.63 1,372.8256 276 285 5.48
SD999 444.82 305 1,219 228.6 1.000  720 1,998.0 0.00 0.00 305 456,972.74 1,406.7795 96,941.84 351.6949 0.00 0.0000 0 0 0.00

1. Maximum velocity and maximum screw speed may not be achievable at maximum stroke.
2. Larger Motor or Gearhead Frames and longer stroke lengths are available upon request.
3. All inertia values are at the input shaft and are representative of typical pulleys, bushings, couplers, etc. Actual values may vary due to motor selection.
4. Weight values are for reference only and vary depending on configuration.
"U"  Parallel offset configuration
"L"  Inline configuration

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